Wednesday, May 18, 2011

So.....Let the Games Begin

The last few days I've had some contractions I really didn't get to excited or worked up about them because I didn't think they would help. Like before last nite I had some watery discharge but still didn't think anything of it. Now I'm starting to think my water just might be leaking but slowly. I've had some contractions all day and around 3:30 I started to get period like cramps that were really bad all at once that lasted for a few hours. Then came on the contractions and I started to time them and really once again not do anything about it because I didn't want to go to the hospital and get sent home so a few hours later along with some contractions we are getting ready the last min touches for baby Holden and I'm going to try and get some sleep. So let Phase 1 of the labor process begin. I think I'm in for a long ride. I'm so lucky to have a good nurse friend that works at my dr office to check in on. Oh and the moon tonight is bright red. Nice
Have a good night y'all
I've never really understood how to time contractions nor do I know how to read them!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my Kristin's iPhone

1 comment:

  1. How exciting! I know you can't wait to meet your new little guy!
