Sunday, January 24, 2010

WOW Baby Food another story

Well lets just say Hudson ate carrots for the first time yesterday and he surprising loved them. Lets just say Mommy didn't the next day. Let me just tell you the poop was orange and stunk it was nasty I can only imagine what peas and green beans will look like. On another note I only have 17 more days till we find out what were having I'm so excited I'm really hoping for a boy and girl since our little family is done when the twins arrive. I'm kinda thinking we might have one of each just because when we heard the heartbeats on the doppler one of the heartbeats sounded just like Hudsons did when he was in my belly but the other heart beat was totally different I really don't care just as long as I can bake these babies full term with no problems. Well we will really find out on Feb 13 My best friend is going with us so she can find out the sex then shes going to give us a party that sat for friends and family shes going to make two cakes and then put either pink or blue, blue or blue, or pink and pink, in the cake batter and have us cut into it to revile the sex of the babies I think its a cute idea. But don't know if I can wait that long......

On another note I'm counting down the hours till my saints play tonight. WOOHOO Lets hope they take it all the way. Oh and Ive been not as tired as i have been so what have i wanted to do is Clean I no i don't know what has gotten into me... and i only have one more week of being full time in my job I'm out of training and into my position part time.. So excited. If anyone wants to throw out any names for the babies let me know that's the hardest process for me at least I love different names to..


  1. How exciting! I could not wait if I were you. bTrendie invite has been sent!
