Monday, January 17, 2011

Snow Day

I know I'm about a week to late but I figure better late than never I'm going to be doing a few updates after this post as well catching us back up. So on Sunday Jan 9 Memphis had a little snow storm that's what we will call it. Zach made chili we had some family over including Auntie Sam. We went to the store to get some milk cause Hudson was out after getting everything we forgot the milk so Sam and I drifted back out to Kroger to get some milk. Hudson couldn't wait to get out in the snow so what did we do we got dressed and all went out and played in the snow we had a blast it continued to snow in till Monday over all in all we got about a good 4 inches of Snow it was great. Here are some pictures of all of us playing in the snow.

                                   Hudson trying to get up
                                      Zach and I
                                         My Dad pushing Hudson in his car(loving it)

Then Monday it was more fun we had snowball fights,snow angles, and sledding

                                   Hudson clapping
                                       Throwing his first snowball at Mommy
                                       My Snow  Angel
                                     Happy Hudson
                                  Auntie Sam helping him up

We had a blast and cant wait for more snow days ahead

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